

We have a full set of The Cadet magazine from the first issue in 1889 to the last in 1974.

If you would like a copy of any edition, page or feature these can be provided for a small donation to cover the cost of research, printing and postage, and to support the upkeep of the Conway Chapel at Birkenhead Priory. Similarly we can research individual cadets, members of staff, events or subjects. Contact Alfie Windsor for more information.


The Friends has been given a collection of books by Old Conways or about Conway. The duplicates listed below are available for purchase. They are all in good condition and prices vary with a minimum of £25 for the Masefield books. To purchase any of them please contact John Southwood .

Bob Evans                            Conway Heroes

Paul Kingsford                     After Alamein

John Masefield                    A Kings Daughter
John Masefield                    Conway(2 nd edition)
John Masefield                    Melloney Hotspur
John Masefield                    Minnie Maylow’s Story
John Masefield                    Reynard the Fox
John Masefield                    Nine Days of Wonder
John Masefield                    The Sea Poems
John Masefield                    The Square Peg